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God's commitment to the lost: relentless, ultimate, and ongoing.

In the book of Acts we see Jesus leave the church a vision of a movement when he challenged the earliest Christians to reproduce from their own local context (Jerusalem) into “Judea, Samaria and the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). 

As multiplication activists, most of us innately understand the power of following Jesus’ personal mission to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). For many of us, this is why we dedicate our lives to ministry:  

  • We want to share the gospel with the hurting people and broken communities around us. 
  • We embrace the practices of evangelism because we experience the power and love of Jesus every single day. 
  • We personally know Jesus and we want to make him known.

And yet, evangelism programs and ministries have a hard time getting off the ground and an even harder time becoming part of the DNA of most of our churches. 

Why is this? What can be done to move in a new direction? 

We're asking ourselves these questions and we would love for you to join us as we consider what it means to embrace evangelism and equip others to do the same.

NEW and FREE: Revitalizing Evangelism Workbook Series

Jesus directs us all to follow the example he sets in Luke 19:10 - "to seek and save the lost." How we work that out varies by the contexts we live, work, and serve in. Learn from Dave Ferguson and Dr. Rick Richardson about the theology and practice of evangelism, and make a plan to increase your capacity and effectiveness for this important work.

Is Evangelism a Lost Cause? We don't think so.

Join us in Orlando March 6-9, 2023 to take part in our community-wide conversation about what it means to share the gospel with a confused and hurting world. Let's all become more effective Kingdom-expanding evangelists as we pursue healthy church multiplication together.


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